About me
Co-Chair, EtherNet/IP Physical Layer SIG
David Brandt is an Engineering Fellow, and has been with Rockwell Automation since 1989. He has worked in Advanced Technology with a primary focus on industrial automation protocols. Accomplishments include collaborative prototyping and technology transfer from R&D of what would become ODVA protocols of ControlNetTM and DeviceNetTM, and adaptation of EtherNet/IPTM to wireless industrial applications. He holds >50 patents in various topics including, communication, sensing, location-based services, security, and energy. He was editor of the gateway section of ISA100.11a wireless standard for process automation. David was a leader in IEEE Std 802.3cg-2019 10 Mb/s Single Pair – to bring IP-connectivity to constrained edge devices. He is Liaison Officer between IEEE 802.3 and ODVA and vice-chair of the ODVA Physical Layer SIG. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. His hobbies include running, fishing, and home brewing.