The Special Interest Group for EtherNet/IP in the Process Industries seeks to fulfill the vision of the Optimization of Process Integration (OPI) by leveraging the inherent strengths of EtherNet/IP, encompassing existing industry standards, and augmenting EtherNet/IP’s strengths with enhancements to the ODVA Specifications.
If you select to attend this SIG meeting, and you are not already officially registered as a Standard Participant on this SIG, your SIG Meeting selection indicates that you agree to the Terms and Conditions of the
Application and Agreement to Participate in ODVA Work Groups for the SIG meetings held on March 18, 2025. Provided you qualify to attend the SIG meeting (as determined by ODVA’s
Bylaws), ODVA will allow you to attend the SIG meeting(s) on March 18, 2025; however, ODVA will not register you as a Standard Participant on the SIG and you will not be added to the online collaboration forum on Sharepoint.